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Best alternatives to Samsung Air Translate for Android

Check out this selection with the best alternatives to Samsung Air Translate for Android. A list curated by Uptodown's Editorial Team that includes apps like Samsung Air Translate with similar features and functionalities. Don't miss our recommendations and find the perfect match for your device!
Google Translate icon
A comprehensive translator in your pocket
Hi Translate icon
More than just a translator
Translate icon
Translate anything with text or voice
Camera Translator icon
Translate anything to your language through photos
Easy Language Translator icon
Translate between more than 100 languages
Voice Translator All Languages icon
Instantly translate texts, voices, or photos into any language
All Language Translate App icon
Real-time voice, text, and image translations in over 130 languages
Screen Translation icon
Translate any text you come across into multiple languages
Translate icon
Free voice/text translator app for instant multilingual communication
Photo Translator icon
Translate any text with this translator
Translate All - Speech Text Translator icon
Communicate with anyone in the world, whatever language they speak
Translate All Languages icon
The most incredible translation tool for your smartphone
All Translator Pro icon
Translate any text into more than 100 languages
Translate Language Translator icon
Translate anything between dozens of languages
English Spanish Translator icon
Efficient English-Spanish translation for text and speech
Floating Translation icon
A powerful translation tool with more than 20 languages
Translate Voice icon
Translate voices to any language
Translator icon
Translate various languages
AR Camera Translator icon
Scan and translate any document you want
Language Translator iGlot icon
Instantly translate text and speech in over 100 languages on mobile
Translator English Spanish icon
Navigate Spanish effortlessly with real-time, accurate translations